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Wednesday, January 23rd

Front Squat 5×2\@90% 1RM

Glute Ham Raise 5×2 (weighted)


Open WOD 18.2 & 18.2A

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps each of:

DB Squats (50/35’s)

Bar Facing Burpees

in remaining time establish 1RM Clean

12:00 time cap.

*CrossFit the Ville’s Barbell Club will start back up this Saturday.  If you’d like to improve your Clean & Jerk and Snatch these classes are for you. Classes are an hour and a half each and offered Saturday’s (11:15-12:45) and Sunday’s (1:45-3:00) each weekend after our CrossFit classes. You can pay per class (\$15 for members, \$20 for non members) or pay upfront for a discounted rate for the entire online program plus all classes (\$120 for members, \$200 for couples).  Since we missed one session last Sunday due to the weather we’ll take that class off the total if you are paying for the entire program.