Tuesday, January 3rd
Warmup: Snatch Balance
Power Snatch 4-4-4-4\@80% 1RM
3 Rounds for time of:
12-OHS (115/75)
12-GHD Situps
12-Box Jumps (24/20″)
*The first Pre Open WOD was yesterday. If you need to make it up you can do so on the next rest day or outside of class time if you have someone available to judge you. If you’d still like to register, or if you’d like access to view the Google Score Sheet document please email Daniel.
*The next Strength Program will start January 7th. For more information email Eric at: Fallscitystrength\@gmail.com.
*Saturday, February 4th, we will have our 3rd Annual Sports Nutrition seminar will Dawn from Sports Nutrition 2 Go in Cincinnati. Metabolic Testing will be offered before and after the seminar as well!