Tuesday, January 23rd
Pre Open WOD 7
5:00 to establish 3RM Back Squat
then from 5:00-15:00,
10:00 AMRAP of:
15-K2E’s (Scaled & Masters=hanging knee raise above parallel)
10/Arm, alternating DB Snatch (RX=50/35, Scaled=45/30, Masters=40/25)
5/Leg, alternating Pistol (Scaled & Masters=24/20″ step ups holding DB used in the snatch)
RX K2E’s=Knees must touch elbows each rep
DB Snatch=Must alternate hands each rep. Both sides of DB must touch the floor. Per new open rules db must exchange hands at or below eye level. DB’s cannot be dropped, must touch the ground on the last rep.
Pistols/Step Ups=Must alternate legs each rep. Must get below parallel and come to full extension with your opposite leg and foot in front of your body (you can hold your foot) before touching the ground with your opposite foot. For Step Ups you must come to full extension at the top of the box while holding the DB at your chest.