Tuesday, December 24th
*Our annual 12 Days of Christmas workout is today! Classes will be at 10:30 & 12:00 and are free to all! All other class times and open gym are cancelled.
12 Days of Christmas
1-Thruster (75/55) (RX+ 95/65)
2-Push Press
3-Push Jerk
4-Split Jerk
5-Power Cleans
6-Pullups (RX+ CTB’s)
8-Box Jumps (24/20)
9-Push Ups
10-Front Rack Lunges (5/leg)
11-KBS (53/35) (RX+ 70/53)
12-Double Unders
alternate version:
1-D Ball Clean
2-Jump Squats
4-Back Extensions
5-Ring Rows
7-Wall Balls (20/14)
8-V Ups
9-Push Ups
10-Sit Ups
11-KBS’s (53/35)
12-DB Push Press
*Performed like the song. 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1, etc.
*We’ll be closed Christmas Day and reopen on Thursday for the 10:30 class.