Thursday, July 4th
*We will have our FREE class today at 10:00am. This will be our only class today, all other classes and open gym are cancelled so come out and join in the fun!
4TH of July Partner/Team WOD
1776M Row (as a team)
76-Burpees Over Partner (while partner holds an elbow plank)
76-Goblet Squat (53/35#, partner performs a parallel squat hold)
76-Pullups (partner holds at the top of a ring dip)
76-Situps (partner holds a “dying cockroach”)
76-Pushups (partner holds a side plank)
76-Wall Balls (20/14#, partner hollow rocks)
760ft Sled pull (90/45#, as a team)
Run 1/2 block to front doors.
For time!
*Sunday (make up day) we will meet at Perrin Park (414 Perrin Lane, Jeffersonville, IN 47130), weather permitting, for a fun outdoor wod on the fitness loop at our normal class time of 12:30. The park is 5 miles from The Ville, just over 2nd street bridge about 4 miles down Utica Pike.