Thursday, April 1st
500 Burpees for time.
April Fools!!
Bench Press 5×2\@80% 1RM w/ :01 pause on chest
Strict CTB Pullups 5×2 (as fast and high as possible on ascent)
then, 4 rounds for time:
20-Ring Pushups
20-KBS’s (53/35)(rx+ 70/53)
500 Burpees for time.
April Fools!!
Bench Press 5×2\@80% 1RM w/ :01 pause on chest
Strict CTB Pullups 5×2 (as fast and high as possible on ascent)
then, 4 rounds for time:
20-Ring Pushups
20-KBS’s (53/35)(rx+ 70/53)