The World is a Gym
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Go Outside.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned during this trans-national
adventure of mine, it’s that there is nothing like training out
in the open. Urban environment or rural environment, city
street or barren trail … get outside and train without walls.
Some might argue that cities, by their very nature, don’t
lend themselves to physical exploration. They’re lazy. Some
say the countryside encourages accessibility, freedom of
movement and an exploratory eagerness that cities do
not. Maybe it’s not our environment that cultivates these
characteristics in us, but we who find them in it. There are
no objects in nature whose equivalent can’t be found in a
city if you’re looking with open eyes. Mountains are nature’s
staircases, and trees are her climbing walls. Carrying a bag
of cement is the same as shouldering a fallen limb, and
lifting a stone is, well, you get the picture.
[[[ ]{style=“font-family: MyriadPro-Light; color: #414142; font-size: x-small;”}]{style=“font-family: MyriadPro-Light; color: #414142; font-size: x-small;”}]{style=“font-family: MyriadPro-Light; color: #414142; font-size: x-small;“}Taken from CrossFit Journal.
So here is your WOD for today. Take a picture of you doing something Outside…