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Sunday, February 3rd

Split Jerk 3×6\@70%

Clean Grip Pendlay Rows 3×6\@70%


3 Rounds for time of:

200M Run

20-Box Jumps (24/20)

20-Push Press (115/75)

*You can now schedule a massage with Jennifer May, our newest member and massage therapist! Jennifer is offering a special for the month of February. You can get a full hour massage for \$50!! The massage room is located on the left as soon as you walk into the gym. She works by appointment only, so email her to schedule.  Sounds like the perfect Valentines Day gift…

*Our Weightlifting class will be today from 1:45-3:15.  \$15/class.

*This Saturday is our free class at 9:00 & 10:00am.  This will be a partner wod so bring a friend!

**The CrossFit Open starts February 21st!  **Register at:***