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Saturday, July 17th

Today is our Made it to Madison in house competition starting at 8:30am! If you aren’t competing come out and cheer on your fellow Ville members. All classes are cancelled today.


21-Jerks (135/95)

9-Bar Muscle Ups


7-Bar Muscle Ups


5-Bar Muscle Ups

for time. (10:00 cap)

WOD 2:

60/50-Calorie Ski Erg

50-Air Squats

40-Power Cleans (95/65)

30-Front Squats (95/65)

20-Ring Dips

10-Wall Walks

for time. (15:00 cap)

WOD 3:

3:00 As Many Reps As Possible:

Power Snatch (115/75)

rest 2:00, then

15:00 AMRAP of:

40-Double Unders

20-Calorie Row


10-Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20, box facing)