Saturday, August 11th
Split Jerk 6-6-6\@70% 1RM
Band Pull Aparts 12-12-12
then, 3 Rounds For Time Of:
21-Push Jerks (115/75)
9-Bar Facing Burpees
21-15-9 each:
Calorie Assault Bike
V Ups
For time.
*Get your 4 person (2 men/2 women) teams together now for True Grit 6! RX and Scaled teams will battle it out for the 6th year at the Ville for cash prizes and other goodies. September 15th. Register by September 1st to ensure you get your t shirt on the day of the competition. If you’d like to compete but don’t have a team we have a signup sheet by the white board. If you’d like to help judge please add your name to the sheet.
For more info go to:
*The next Strength Program will start this Sunday. Email Eric at Fallscitystrength\@gmail for more info.