Monday – Labor Day
Please come and join us at the Ville for a FREE Labor Day WOD at 8:30 am…get it out of the way early and enjoy the rest of your Holiday!
Partner WOD: (Bring a New Crossfit Friend, an Old Crossfit Pal or just show up and workout with someone new)
*3 Burpees on the minute every minute for everyone not working (Yes, even when not running)
1 Mile Run (Total Distance) 1 team member at a time
100 Box Jumps (24/20/18)
100 Deadlifts (185/135/95)
100 Ring Rows
100 Thrusters (95/65/45)
1 Mile Run (Total Distance) 1 team member at a time
*REMEMBER these workouts can be scaled to your fitness level so do not let the numbers scare you…