Friday, October 11th
::: {.page title=“Page 1”} ::: {.section} ::: {.section} ::: {.layoutArea} ::: {.column} CROSSFIT OPEN WORKOUT 20.1 ::: ::: :::
::: {.section} ::: {.layoutArea} ::: {.column} 10 rounds for time of:
8 ground-to-overheads (clean & jerk or snatch)
10 bar-facing burpees
65 lb.
95 lb.
Time cap: 15 minutes ::: ::: ::: :::
::: {.layoutArea} ::: {.column} WORKOUT VARIATIONS
Rx’d (Rx’d Ages 16-54)
65 lb.\
95 lb.
Scaled (Scaled Ages 16-54)\
45 lb., may step over bar on burpees
65 lb., may step over bar on burpees
Teenagers 14-15
45 lb.
65 lb.
Scaled Teenagers 14-15
35 lb., may step over bar on burpees
45 lb., may step over bar on burpees
Masters 55+
45 lb.
65 lb.
Scaled Masters 55+
35 lb., may step over bar on burpees
45 lb., may step over bar on burpees
*We will be pairing up today and judging each other on this wod during the 6am, 10:30am, and 12:00pm classes. Those signed up for the Open will need an official judge and scoresheet. During this evenings normal class times (4:00pm-7:00pm) we will have our Friday Night Throwdown and run heats until everyone is done! Good luck to all! ::: ::: :::